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Mi nombre es Patricia AKA Pati, born & raised in Los Angeles, Ca. I am by nature & trade a nurturer who loves to advocate for health & wellness. My journey in essential oils & the efectos positivos that aromatherapy has on our wellness has lead me to become a certified aromatherapist. In 2018 Aroma Prodigy was launched. 

Aroma Prodigy holds pride in only using the finest ingredientes naturales available world wide. We provide quality products demonstrating an exceptional experience & result. 

At Aroma Prodigy, our mission is to help enhance your health, wellbeing & lifestyle through the powerful & joyful world of Aromatherapy. We believe EOs promote positive vibrations allowing us to release what doesn’t serve us & gain energies that replenish our well-being. 

We would love for Aroma Prodigy to become the gateway to your wellness! Vamos, let’s boost our mood, calm our mind, soothe our soul, relax & recharge our body holistically via healthy beauty.

All Love,


RN, BSN, Certified Aromatherapist, Certified Yoga Instructor

eucalyptus with flowers

What’s the hype?

Aroma Prodigy products are hecho a mano, in small batches using therapeutic grade essential oils, organic, organically grown & wild harvested ingredientes. We strive to help you regain & or maintain balance by providing knowledge that will help guide you to understand the reason behind each product & its uses. We hope this information will enable you to make positive informed decisions that lead towards health & wellness. As a bonus you will learn a few words of Español free of charge.

hand washing

Fun fact

Believe it or not, todos los productos are tested on & evaluated by myself, amigos & familia for premium quality & effectiveness. I hope you love the products & find them to be your avenue to wellness.


Dear Mother Earth,

In order to help you stay beautiful, we pledge to use your resources ethically, to respect you by minimizing wasteful packaging & honor your worth by educating the public on the magical ingredients you have shared with us.