Larocemint - Release Your Tension Headache EO Blend 5ml

Larocemint - Release Your Tension Headache EO Blend 5ml



Resinous, earthy, sweet refreshing aromas. Helps release tension headaches.

Lavender- Sweet, floral, honey like aromas. Restorative, inspires relaxation.

Rosemary- Powerful, fresh, herbaceous aromas. Supports & awakens the mind.

Frankincense-Resinous, fresh, piney aromas. Brings peace, helps connecting with oneself.

Peppermint Fresh, strong, minty aromas. Uplifts the mind to reduce fatigue,
awakens new ideas.

All Love,

Aroma Prodigy

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Directions: Use 5-10 drops in diffuser or inhaler stick. Breath Cycle- Inhale four seconds, hold breath four seconds, exhale four seconds, hold breath for four seconds. Repeat breath cycle 7 times (2 minutes) or as desired.

*Ingredients denote Organic: *Lavender Lavandula angustifolia EO, *Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis ct camphor EO, *Frankinsence Boswellia carterii EO, Peppermint Mentha x piperita

Caution: For external use. Keep out of reach of children. Consult with a certified health professional if pregnant, undergoing medical treatment or wanting to use undiluted.Essential Oil Safety by Tisserand and Young (second edition), recommends a maximum of 5%. May antidote homeopathic remedies. Avoid using with children under five years; can be neurotoxic when applied near the face. Use with caution for children between 5-10 years old. Contraindicated in case of cardiac fibrillation and for G6PD deficiency. Keep away from eyes & other sensitive areas. Keep in a cool dry place.

Information and statements provided by Aroma Prodigy and Patricia Lopez RN, BSN, Certified Aromatherapist, Certified Yoga Instructor have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health condition(s) or disease. This shall strictly be used as Information and interest only. The information provided is not designed for self-diagnosis or self treatment. If have any concern about a healthcare issue, see your medical provider or ND. Please note that Aroma Prodigy accepts no liability for misuse of information, essential oils or other products.

115 W California Blvd.#1016 Pasadena Ca 91105