Peppermint Essential Oil - Mentha x piperita 10ml

Peppermint Essential Oil - Mentha x piperita 10ml



Peppermint essential oil awakens and refreshes everyone with it’s minty aroma. It’s essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the plant. It is know to be energizing & stimulating. When used in low dilutions peppermint EO may be cooling, but in elevated doses it is warming and may be rubefacient. Emotionally/Energetically supports self confidence, clears energy, uplifts mind to reduce fatigue, stimulates new ideas and creativity.

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Therapeutic Properties







Safety concerns & Warnings

May cause skin or mucous membrane irritation. From experience, we recommend using a maximum of 1-2% dilution for topical use. Robert Tisserand officially recommends a maximum of 5%. May antidote homeopathic remedies. Avoid using with children under five years—can be neurotoxic when applied near the face. Contraindicated in case of cardiac fibrillation and for G6PD deficiency. There is a perception that menthol-rich oils can potentially affect blood clotting, but according to Robert Tisserand, it is not sufficient to be cautioned against anticoagulant medication.

Information and statements provided by Aroma Prodigy and Patricia Lopez RN, BSN,Certified Aromatherapist, Certified Yoga Instructor have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health condition(s) or disease. This shall strictly be used as Information and interest only. The information provided is not designed for self-diagnosis or self treatment. If have any concern about a healthcare issue, see your medical provider or ND. Please note that Aroma Prodigy accepts no liability for misuse of information, essential oils or other products.